Transportation Procedures
All changes in transportation must be in writing and sent to the school with your scholar(s).
We cannot accept changes over the phone. Transportation changes should be for emergencies only!
We cannot accept transportation changes after 1:00 p.m. Scholars may not be removed from a bus once boarding has begun.
Any exception to the above will require administrative approval!!
Car Rider Procedures
The Louetta Road entrance is for day care vans only. Car rider traffic should yield to day care vans for the safety of both vehicles.
The Hardy Street entrance is for staff and car rider traffic. The loop around the parking area is one way, so please observe the right turn only and be aware of the pedestrian crosswalk that leads to the front entry.
Students may not be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. and cars should pull forward so that our staff may assist your child. Car riders will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m. Make sure that your student identification sheet is clearly visible through the windshield. Pull forward to the cone as instructed and come to a complete stop. Parents may not walk students to their car during car rider dismissal. If you must walk your child to your car, you will be asked to wait until the car rider line has cleared. Pedestrian traffic must be kept to a minimum during this time for safety reasons.
Cars will not be allowed to leave the parking lot during car arrival and dismissal times until the line has cleared. This is for the protection of our pedestrian traffic (including students and staff with disabilities).
If you pick your child up for an early appointment, you must do so no later than 2:30 p.m. to avoid pedestrian traffic and confusion at dismissal. After 2:30 p.m., you will need to pick up your child in the car rider line.